Thursday, August 3, 2017

Poll Shows ‘Troubling Trail Of New Lows’ For Trump – Talking Points Memo

Through a "winning" lottery ticket of statistical chance he won the US presidency.  Trump is not conservative but will be able to enact a radical fundamentalist agenda of a political party that should not be labeled as conservative by any measure.  Numerous others have begun to realize that the Republican party is not in the mold of Eisenhower, Dirksen, or Lincoln.

The neo conservative of Fox News and Steven King is not conservative.  If the traditional conservative stands for stability and civil order in society, especially in politics than the way Republicans have acted in the House and Senate during their failed attempt to pass their version of national health care is a object lesson in showing the public that those who represent the current Republican party are not in the least conservative.

If they are conservative then stability and adherence to the process of how to pass legislation should be paramount to keeping our political process functioning correctly.  However the chaos of "winning" for their president meant that the way to pass legislation undermines tradition.  To bypass the traditional way of passing a bill into law is to introduce chaos into our political process which should be abhorrent the tradition bound conservative.

But the neo conservative is not traditional but sees that "winning" by any means is justified.  Whether the chaos that is left is by definition of what conservatism is does not matter in the least.  The Republican party of now may state that they have a belief in social order but their actions belie their words.

Poll Shows ‘Troubling Trail Of New Lows’ For Trump – Talking Points Memo

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