Monday, November 3, 2008

The home stretch

Just hours to go before voting begins in Colorado. Already the majority of voters in Colorado have voted through mail-in ballots or going to early polling locations.

If you haven't voted already then vote on Tuesday!

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

For more information go to the Colorado Democratic Party Voting Headquarters.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's home stretch



1. The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the last few days, John McCain has gained ground in most national polls, as his campaign has gone even more negative.

2. Dirty tricks. Republicans are already illegally purging voters from the rolls in some states. They're whipping up hysteria over ACORN to justify more challenges to new voters. Misleading flyers about the voting process have started appearing in black neighborhoods. And of course, many counties still use unsecure voting machines.

3. October surprise. In politics, 15 days is a long time. The next McCain smear could dominate the news for a week. There could be a crisis with Iran, or Bin Laden could release another tape, or worse.

4. Those who forget history... In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote after trailing by seven points in the final days of the race. In 1980, Reagan was eight points down in the polls in late October and came back to win. Races can shift—fast!

5. Landslide. Even with Barack Obama in the White House, passing universal health care and a new clean-energy policy is going to be hard. Insurance, drug and oil companies will fight us every step of the way. We need the kind of landslide that will give Barack a huge mandate.

If you agree that we shouldn't rest easy, please sign up to volunteer at your local Obama office by clicking here.

Obama's home stretch



1. The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the last few days, John McCain has gained ground in most national polls, as his campaign has gone even more negative.

2. Dirty tricks. Republicans are already illegally purging voters from the rolls in some states. They're whipping up hysteria over ACORN to justify more challenges to new voters. Misleading flyers about the voting process have started appearing in black neighborhoods. And of course, many counties still use unsecure voting machines.

3. October surprise. In politics, 15 days is a long time. The next McCain smear could dominate the news for a week. There could be a crisis with Iran, or Bin Laden could release another tape, or worse.

4. Those who forget history... In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote after trailing by seven points in the final days of the race. In 1980, Reagan was eight points down in the polls in late October and came back to win. Races can shift—fast!

5. Landslide. Even with Barack Obama in the White House, passing universal health care and a new clean-energy policy is going to be hard. Insurance, drug and oil companies will fight us every step of the way. We need the kind of landslide that will give Barack a huge mandate.

If you agree that we shouldn't rest easy, please sign up to volunteer at your local Obama office by clicking here:

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Call to Scorch this Land

A Call to Scorch this Land

written in the blood of the impure
remembered by those savants and survivors
echoes in the history of western so-called civilization
like the weeds that surreptitiously grow in the well tended garden

the wheels of war are but the means
“kill the leaders and convert the rest”
as he knows that the brutal iron fist
is remembered longer than the delicate kiss

His feral manner was revealed
as the clanking chains tightened
screams reverberated up the spiral stairs but never beyond the iron bound doors
blood begins to seep out of the pores
until the appendages are separated from the torso

the cudgels that propel the perpetrators
down the chutes into the razor wired cells
are beginning instruments to rewire their brains
as he has watched all the recordings in total silence
while his hands are playing pocket pool over and over

Torquemada held secrets
he could hide from his god anointed superiors of king and queen
even from the messenger from his god- the holy see
the pooling of blood and excrement upon innumerable hidden chamber floors
couldn't cleanse his stain of being birthed by the descendants of Christ killers

sitting on concrete and to smell the freedom of the sea breeze
no privacy as the cameras watch without stopping
to survive in an 8' by 10' cell
interrogations go on and on
no matter the time of day
sickness or in health
to be married to the interrogators on this level of purgatory

His beliefs were powered by god
as the white hot coals were driven into their flesh
both bowels and bladder were released
the stench imbued the mute stone walls
while the words of renunciation were disbelieved

he turns to go
closing the door
he must go to the gym
to work out again
to feel good again
to wash away the reality
of what his commandments have wrought

Torquemada has heard no confession from the deceased
with a wave of his manicured fingers
the body will be fried until only ashes remain
the soul
was not worth saving will now walk upon an earthly limbo

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Destroy their strength

Glenn Greenwald has a valid strategy: Destroy the strength of the Republican candidate John McCain. Rather then just talk about the economy and avoid taking on the strength of Senator McCain. Isn't this the exact strategy that the Republicans used in 2004 against John Kerry?

Why would the Democratic Party not want to neutralize the strength of an opponent? The Swift Boating of John Kerry is the prime example of why Democrats must begin to frame John McCain and Republican candidates who only want endless war and occupation as warmongers and demagogues who utilize fear for political gain.

Recent polling has shown that the American people believe that Republicans cannot be trusted to defend America adequately. With the occupation of Iraq and the failure to rebuild New Orleans as prime examples there should be a great voice in the Democratic party to trumpet the fact that Reagan was wrong in his saying that the most feared saying is "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Attack the Reagan legacy of "government is the problem" and by doing so it will be removing the keystone to the Republicans like McCain. Republicans cannot have it both ways with respect government. The military is a part of government. It cannot be divorced from it. Republicans want to have an effective military yet hamstring all other government functions because of their obsession with their mantra of "big government is evil and privatization of government functions can do no wrong".

Attack the fact that lawless behavior by private contractors and having Bush government not enforce laws is an attack on the Constitution and the underlying foundation of "the rule of law".

Utilize all resources to do so. 527 organizations should be at the frontline of this election battle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dem caucus

The HD6A, precinct 608, had over 100+ people in attendance last night. This was an incredible three hundred percent better then the best attended caucus in 2004 which had 32 people.

The people of this nation are wanting a different America.

The people are for a better America.

We are sick of living in the fears created by Mr. Bush and his ilk because those people represent anti-life.

Who wants to live in fear for the rest of their lives?

We are stronger then to merely survive in this world.

We who are the inheritors of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution should demand that we can live life in the sunshine of freedom.

We are not to afraid of some motley band of common criminals because those ragtag bands are akin to the crazies that stand on street corners shouting out their paranoias.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Close Gitmo

Today in Boulder, Colorado there will be a rally to "Close Guantanamo" which is sponsored by the ACLU-Colorado from noon to 2 p.m, in front of the Boulder County Court House.

GitMo is a legal blackhole that the Bush administration has used to keep prisoners of war away from the legal system.

GitMo is used by the Bush administration for legal games of "who has jurisdiction" with judges in the United States and Cuba.

GitMo is an illegal interrogation camp run by the U.S. military.

GitMo has prisoners who have been subjected to torture.

GitMo has had medical doctors who were willing to break their Hippocratic Oath and work to ensure more effective torture methods.

GitMo has made the United States Declaration of Independence a joke because it is the very embodiment of all that is contrary to the ideals within that call to freedom.

It is time to close GitMo and all of the "black" prison camps around the world that is operated or condoned by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.

It is time for an objective commission to assess the state of prisoners that were captured by coalition forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and to those who were "extraordinarily renditioned" to those camps by U.S. military and intelligence agencies or by foreign military and intelligence agencies who cooperated with them.

Justice must begin now.