Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bush the Drunk

Rumors have circulated "inside the Beltway" that Bush has been secretly drinking. He hides his drinking because it is a "failure" to have "fallen off the wagon". To this nation's sorrow, Bush was a "dry drunk" who had vast psychology pathologies that makes him unfit for the office he now holds.

John Avarosis of now has come forth with explicit photographic evidence that Bush has taken to drink alcohol in Germany.

Shouldn't the mass media reporters be asking the presidential press secretary, Tony Snow, about the why Bush is drinking?

As John points out:

"Bush is an alcoholic. We have the right to know if he's fallen off the wagon, as this would be incredibly serious in any job, let alone the leader of the free world, and the commander in chief during war time. It is irrelevant whether you love Bush or hate him, whether you think this is a private matter or not. If Bush were running a major corporation and were an alcoholic who had fallen off the wagon, he'd likely be removed from his job by the board. If he were a general, he'd be fired."

Does this mean The Commander Guy, who is "off the wagon", should be fired?