Sunday, February 10, 2008

Destroy their strength

Glenn Greenwald has a valid strategy: Destroy the strength of the Republican candidate John McCain. Rather then just talk about the economy and avoid taking on the strength of Senator McCain. Isn't this the exact strategy that the Republicans used in 2004 against John Kerry?

Why would the Democratic Party not want to neutralize the strength of an opponent? The Swift Boating of John Kerry is the prime example of why Democrats must begin to frame John McCain and Republican candidates who only want endless war and occupation as warmongers and demagogues who utilize fear for political gain.

Recent polling has shown that the American people believe that Republicans cannot be trusted to defend America adequately. With the occupation of Iraq and the failure to rebuild New Orleans as prime examples there should be a great voice in the Democratic party to trumpet the fact that Reagan was wrong in his saying that the most feared saying is "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Attack the Reagan legacy of "government is the problem" and by doing so it will be removing the keystone to the Republicans like McCain. Republicans cannot have it both ways with respect government. The military is a part of government. It cannot be divorced from it. Republicans want to have an effective military yet hamstring all other government functions because of their obsession with their mantra of "big government is evil and privatization of government functions can do no wrong".

Attack the fact that lawless behavior by private contractors and having Bush government not enforce laws is an attack on the Constitution and the underlying foundation of "the rule of law".

Utilize all resources to do so. 527 organizations should be at the frontline of this election battle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dem caucus

The HD6A, precinct 608, had over 100+ people in attendance last night. This was an incredible three hundred percent better then the best attended caucus in 2004 which had 32 people.

The people of this nation are wanting a different America.

The people are for a better America.

We are sick of living in the fears created by Mr. Bush and his ilk because those people represent anti-life.

Who wants to live in fear for the rest of their lives?

We are stronger then to merely survive in this world.

We who are the inheritors of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution should demand that we can live life in the sunshine of freedom.

We are not to afraid of some motley band of common criminals because those ragtag bands are akin to the crazies that stand on street corners shouting out their paranoias.