Friday, September 29, 2017

David Kamin on Twitter: "Many reasons Sen Budget Res is bad. But, here's one hidden nugget that undermines accountability and transparency. CBO = no longer required."

CBO score no longer needed under reconciliation rules because Republican Senators say so!

David Kamin on Twitter: "Many reasons Sen Budget Res is bad. But, here's one hidden nugget that undermines accountability and transparency. CBO = no longer required."

Editorial: Google's Threat to Democracy Hits AlterNet Hard | Alternet

Changing search algorithms means Facebook/Google can cut internet traffic to websites at will.  This is happening to progressive websites right now.

Editorial: Google's Threat to Democracy Hits AlterNet Hard | Alternet

Trump Administration Won't Promise To Fix Puerto Rico's Infrastructure - NBC News

A part of USA but it is the part he wants deported. 

"The presidential disaster declaration for Texas after Hurricane Harvey included a promise of federal funds to cover up to 75 percent of the costs to repair "damaged public facilities" including roads, bridges and schools.

No such clause currently exists in the disaster declaration for Puerto Rico....."

Trump Administration Won't Promise To Fix Puerto Rico's Infrastructure - NBC News

Perry proposes law to force Americans to buy dirtier, costlier power – ThinkProgress

Forcing Americans to pay for coal, oil and gas produced electricity is the Trumpland way.  Nothing about freedom now, folks.

Perry proposes law to force Americans to buy dirtier, costlier power – ThinkProgress

Organizers To Lead March For Black Women In D.C. | HuffPost

Organizers To Lead March For Black Women In D.C. | HuffPost

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Cohn ‘Can’t Guarantee Anything’ On Potential Middle Class Tax Hike – Talking Points Memo

Cutting taxes is what Kansas did and there was huge budget deficits.  Companies did not come flocking to Kansas.  Public schools and higher education funding were cut back.  The Kansas courts ruled that the state was in violation of their own funding mandates for public education.  What company would want to move there if their employees families could not have good educational opportunities for their kids?  The regressive tax that placed a unfair burden on the working and poor of Kansas while letting businesses and high income people keep more of their profits and salaries.

Low taxes "to starve the beast" of government means that government cannot function which leads to the goal of "drowning government in the bath tub" philosophy of Grover Norquist.  This "philosophy" goes hand in hand with the Steve Bannon idea of "deconstructing the administrative state".  The synergy of both actions coupled with the fixation that private/free market philosophy can take the place of what government should do is a recipe for disaster in the 21st century.

Now the Trump tax cuts are for Big Business and the wealthiest 0.1% while the poor gets a tax increase of 20 percent.  Now Trump's point man on this grifter idea cannot tell the middle class that a tax hike is not in the works.  So Trump and his cronies get a huge tax cut for themselves that will hurt the American economy due to the fact that Kansas tried the same tax cut formula that led to huge deficits.  Republicans in Congress now could care less that trillions of dollars will have to be borrowed in order to keep American government running. 

Where will the money go?  Into the "lifestyles of the rich and famous" of gold plated toilet seats, giant destroyer sized yachts, private fifty million dollar jets, huge mansions, million dollar super cars, and ten thousand dollar suits and dresses, hundred thousand dollar necklaces and air conditioned dog houses.

While the problems that confront America will not be adequately addressed because Republican bleat "we don't have the funds" or even more selfishly speak of "tax cuts" are more important than all else because their Big Funders will turn off the money spigot for their political campaigns.  Pass our "tax cut" or you won't have our money to campaign is the real, behind the scenes drama being played out.

So in the political details there is the high possibility that the middle class will have a tax hike to help pay for a Big Business and the 0.1% tax cut.

Cohn ‘Can’t Guarantee Anything’ On Potential Middle Class Tax Hike – Talking Points Memo

Ryan Says It’s ‘Frustrating’ To Watch Senate Hold Up Bills Passed By House (VIDEO) – Talking Points Memo

We don't want your bills to become law.

Ryan Says It’s ‘Frustrating’ To Watch Senate Hold Up Bills Passed By House (VIDEO) – Talking Points Memo

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

How a Montana mom became the target of a neo-Nazi troll storm - CNN

How a Montana mom became the target of a neo-Nazi troll storm - CNN

Corruption Air: Price used taxpayer-funded jet to get marching orders on repealing Obamacare

Corruption Air: Price used taxpayer-funded jet to get marching orders on repealing Obamacare

State Department releases historic refugee letter as White House plans to limit refugees – ThinkProgress

"It’s difficult not to contrast how the United States of 1938 was stepped up its response to Jewish refugees with how the United States of 2017 is responding to the largest global humanitarian crisis since World War II. Today, 65.6 million peoplehave been forcibly displaced from their homes globally, with 22.5 million registered as refugees. But since Trump took office, he has signed off on policies that aim to restrict immigration from certain countries and prohibit immigrants from certain Muslim-majority countries...."

State Department releases historic refugee letter as White House plans to limit refugees – ThinkProgress

Trump Promises A Tax Cut For The Middle Class, Guarantees One For The Rich | HuffPost

Trump Promises A Tax Cut For The Middle Class, Guarantees One For The Rich | HuffPost

O’Reilly's appearance with Hannity reveals what Fox News really cares about

O’Reilly's appearance with Hannity reveals what Fox News really cares about

Republican math on tax cuts: 2 + 2 = Green cheese

Republican math on tax cuts: 2 + 2 = Green cheese

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Why It Looks Like the Senate's Debating the Defense Bill Again

Why It Looks Like the Senate's Debating the Defense Bill Again

Zinke applauds unprecedented regulatory rollbacks, says staff aren’t ‘loyal to the flag’ – ThinkProgress

'The Trump administration wants to let oil and gas companies drill and build energy infrastructure without the federal government standing in the way..." means that there will be a fracking rig in every backyard and mountain top removal coal operation in your local national park.  There should be no "conservative partnership" with Big Coal/Oil/Gas that will harm future generations by way of unrestricted exploitation of carbon and carbon dioxide emissions.  By having less oversight on these exploitative industries means that local communities are exposed to the dangers of those industrial plants which means that those companies can pad their bottom line.

Zinke applauds unprecedented regulatory rollbacks, says staff aren’t ‘loyal to the flag’ – ThinkProgress

People Are Worried About DHS Plans To Gather Social Media Info; i.e., spying

People Are Worried About DHS Plans To Gather Social Media Info

These are Sean Hannity's advertisers- Boycott them

These are Sean Hannity's advertisers

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Rally In New Hampshire Held For Biracial Boy Nearly Hanged By Teens – Talking Points Memo

Rally In New Hampshire Held For Biracial Boy Nearly Hanged By Teens – Talking Points Memo

House Rejects Sessions Order Giving Cops More Power To Take Innocent People's Stuff | HuffPost

House Rejects Sessions Order Giving Cops More Power To Take Innocent People's Stuff | HuffPost

White House: ESPN anchor that called Trump racist should be fired | TheHill

White House: ESPN anchor that called Trump racist should be fired | TheHill

Jaywalking case exposes law enforcement embedded in far-left group | Local News | Colorado Springs Independent

Jaywalking case exposes law enforcement embedded in far-left group | Local News | Colorado Springs Independent

Obamacare Stabilization Talks Go Awry As GOPers Demand Benefits Rollbacks – Talking Points Memo

The unwillingness of Republicans to simply fund ACA stabilization funding without demanding ideological based rollbacks is unacceptable.  The Republican legislators have never had to worry about health insurance.  Whenever there is a government program that is designed to help people the Republicans are there to say- "You have to freedom to worry about health care insurance because freedom is all about worry and stress in your life."

Obamacare Stabilization Talks Go Awry As GOPers Demand Benefits Rollbacks – Talking Points Memo

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Obama Calls Trump’s Decision To End DACA ‘Cruel’ And ‘Wrong’ – Talking Points Memo

Obama Calls Trump’s Decision To End DACA ‘Cruel’ And ‘Wrong’ – Talking Points Memo

Klaus Schulze - Kontinuum

Why Are the Crucial Questions About Hurricane Harvey Not Being Asked? | Alternet

The corporate media is complicit in hiding and obscuring knowledge the public needs to know in order to understand why this is happening and how we, as the human race, must come to grips with public policies that will help us cope with this momentous change for the living planet we inhabit.

Why Are the Crucial Questions About Hurricane Harvey Not Being Asked? | Alternet