Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coburn: Medicare and Social Security 'Are Things We Don't Absolutely Need' | Video Cafe

Republicans want to put grandma back into a life of poverty.  The whole purpose of Social Security is to have seniors live in dignity.

Remember Social Security has a separate revenue stream that is not a part of the federal budget and that the maximum amount is 2200 USD/month.

Remember that Medicare is for seniors to live healthy lives not in pain and disease.  It is Republicans that created Medicare Part D that does not allow Medicare to use the economics of scale to bring down prescription drug costs down.

Coburn: Medicare and Social Security 'Are Things We Don't Absolutely Need' | Video Cafe

Tell me why President Obama wants to compromise the linchpins of the Democratic Party's promise to Americans?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Health Insurance Detective Story - NYTimes.com

This is the dilemma of having bureaucracy in for profit health insurance running the show.  I am reminded of Bob aka Mr. Incredible working as a bureaucrat at an insurance company, from the film "The Incredibles", under a tyrannical boss.  Another film that comes to mind is the Terry Gilliam classic "Brazil".

A Health Insurance Detective Story - NYTimes.com

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crooks and Liars- Fix the Debt is just another name for ripping off the 99%

As Duncan Black has stated many times it is the rich wanting to steal the monies in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Crooks and Liars

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hostess Employee Tells All About CEO Gutting Pensions, Pay Scales | Crooks and Liars

Hostess Employee Tells All About CEO Gutting Pensions, Pay Scales | Crooks and Liars

Economic freedom or economic slavery?  I know what corporations want for their workers.  It is time for workers unite!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mitt Romney Massachusetts Budget Targeted Programs For Poor, Disabled

Mitt will do this to the nation at large as to what he tried to do under his governorship- cut for the poor and give to the rich.  There was no bipartisanship when he tried ram through his ideological based budget cuts.  The Democratic led legislature over rode over 100 vetoes by Romney that directly affected the poorest, the youth, veterans, and those that need mental health care.

Mitt Romney Massachusetts Budget Targeted Programs For Poor, Disabled

Make sure that your local media is made aware of the fact that there was no "bipartisanship" to cut the services that those in need most under Governor Romney's term.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mitt's national healthcare plan is the ER

Mitt's national campaign had to clear up Mitt's comment during the first presidential debate on pre existing conditions. Under President Obama's healthcare law insurance companies could not discriminate against people with pre existing conditions. However Mitt would "repeal" the Affordable Care Act. What about pre existing conditions of the patient? Well, it would be up to states to hold insurance companies accountable. So this fits neatly into the ideology of the Republican party: 1). The role of federal government is diminished. 2). States rights means that each state acts alone. 3). There is no role for the federal government in a individual's healthcare "choice". 4). Corporations are left to make business decisions that would affect their bottom line without the "interference" of federal government. What about the the other salient features of Obamacare(s)? Mitt and his Republican party would let insurance companies cap expenses. Parents could not kept their children insured until age 26. Insurance companies would not be required to spend 80 percent of premiums on patient care. In essence the Republican plan would be: Our national healthcare plan is the ER for all. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/10/top-romney-adviser-states-will-have-to-cover-people-with-pre-existing-conditions-under-president-rom.php?ref=fpb

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jack Kirby Thoughts | Zub Tales

Jack Kirby is the best because he created worlds from which others could build upon.  Look at Marvel and see what it would be without his creations.  Look at DC and imagine what it would be without his cosmological framework.  Think of the independent worlds of the Eternals and others he created on his work with independent comic book publishers that many people still enjoy to read.

Jack Kirby Thoughts | Zub Tales

Romney Campaign Clarifies Candidate’s Meet The Press Comments On Pre-Existing Conditions | TPM2012

The ultimate goal is to do away with government's ability to help those in need by Republicans.  Their vision for America is a America that looks like the Robber Baron era.  Where the rich steal the work of the workers without just compensation.  Where the cry for justice is brutally repressed by the organs of private security firms and police departments in the pay of the 1%.

The America that Republicans want is not we, the people, want.  Must we redo the basic inhumanity of 19th Century again?

Romney Campaign Clarifies Candidate’s Meet The Press Comments On Pre-Existing Conditions | TPM2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daily Kos: The Pujo Committee and today's Banker's Senate Committee

Daily Kos: The Pujo Committee and today's Banker's Senate Committee

Nothing tells the American people that corporatism trumps democracy like Senators showering JPMorganChase CEO Jamie Dimon with praise after Dimon wastes billions of investor dollars in a Rube Goldberg fraud.

Occupy Wall Street then let those Wall Street banksters face frontier justice.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mitch Daniels: Public-Sector Unions Shouldn't Exist

Mitch Daniels: Public-Sector Unions Shouldn't Exist

When will cops turn on their masters?

Chairman Lies to Shareholders, Mocks Protesters

Chairman Lies to Shareholders, Mocks Protesters

People who run corporations have surrendered their humanity.

States to Residents: Forget Promises to Restore School Funding

States to Residents: Forget Promises to Restore School Funding

The Republican ideology is anti human.  Their sole goal is to protect the corporation.  Human beings are only to be used to maximize corporate profit.

People's lives are valuable only to making money for the corporate citizen.  What makes life worth living and valuable like having the arts to enjoy or parks to play in are a waste of money that should be used for the paramount goal by Republican ideology of making as much money as possible in as short a time frame.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” 1984- George Orwell.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Pew Survey: Only 40% of Republicans Support Safety Net Programs | Crooks and Liars

New Pew Survey: Only 40% of Republicans Support Safety Net Programs | Crooks and Liars

This is what passes for 21st Century Republican thinking:  The old and young as well as those who are handicapped are "blood suckers" to the "job creators" of the world.  Therefore those human beings should be left to fend for themselves because the only goals of government should be is to help the military, the 1% and further corporate personhood.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rachel Maddow: "Republicans Have Succeeded in Effectively Killing the Unions in Wisconsin" | Crooks and Liars

Rachel Maddow: "Republicans Have Succeeded in Effectively Killing the Unions in Wisconsin" | Crooks and Liars

"...Unions are the uniting of collective voices which speak for the greater good of workers who would otherwise have no voice. None...."

I pity the people who believe in Tea Party "principles" because the reality is wage theft and wage slavery by corporations. 

When you see "record" profits that means that the money is not going to wage and benefit increases to the people who work.

For example:  Is it any wonder the wage for restaurant waiters/waitresses have not increased by one cent in TWENTY years?  Think about it:  "... just $4,430 per year for a full-time worker."  What is the real wage for waiters/waitresses now? 

The deal was done by Herman Cain that has frozen their wages for waiters/waitresses.  The National Restaurant Association still opposes raising the wage. 

No benefits and working just to survive.

Rachel Maddow: "Republicans Have Succeeded in Effectively Killing the Unions in Wisconsin" | Crooks and Liars

Rachel Maddow: "Republicans Have Succeeded in Effectively Killing the Unions in Wisconsin" | Crooks and Liars

"...Unions are the uniting of collective voices which speak for the greater good of workers who would otherwise have no voice. None...."

I pity the people who believe in Tea Party "principles" because the reality is wage theft and wage slavery by corporations. 

When you see "record" profits that means that the money is not going to wage and benefit increases to the people who work.

For example:  Is it any wonder the wage for restaurant waiters/waitresses have not increased by one cent in TWENTY years?  Think about it:  "... just $4,430 per year for a full-time worker."  What is the real wage for waiters/waitresses now? 

The deal was done by Herman Cain that has frozen their wages for waiters/waitresses.  The National Restaurant Association still opposes raising the wage. 

No benefits and working just to survive.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Texas schools use ID tracking programs | TPMMuckraker

Texas schools use ID tracking programs | TPMMuckraker

Hey kids- another brick in the wall!

Remember it's all about money being used to get the next generation to accept the totalitarian state of total information awareness.  T.I.A. is not dead by any means whatsoever.

Monday, May 28, 2012

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Weekend thoughts on Obama and his image

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Weekend thoughts on Obama and his image

Why is there no iconic satiric image of Obama?  Tina Fey's dead on Palin, but no comedian has captured the essential Obama.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

DION - The Truth Will Set You Free

 A well crafted song by Dion about life.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Crossroads Generation, New GOP-Backed Super PAC, Aims To Attract Young Voters

Crossroads Generation, New GOP-Backed Super PAC, Aims To Attract Young Voters

What conservative solutions? They want to keep the student interest rate doubled. They want to keep predatory for profit colleges unregulated. They want US corporations to continue to ship jobs overseas in the name of "free markets". 

U.S. May Scrap Costly Effort to Train Iraqi Police - NYTimes.com

U.S. May Scrap Costly Effort to Train Iraqi Police - NYTimes.com

The imperial power sure likes to waste money.
What do you think?

La prima Donna

A nice video with the incomparable Audrey Hepburn.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

National Income Gains In 2010 Concentrated Among 15,600 Super-Rich Households

National Income Gains In 2010 Concentrated Among 15,600 Super-Rich Households

The time for frontier justice is soon.  Why?  "Just 15,600 super-rich households pocketed an astonishing 37 percent of the entire national gain...."

Friday, March 2, 2012

Will Wall Street Ever Face Justice? - NYTimes.com

Will Wall Street Ever Face Justice? - NYTimes.com

'...Americans have, rightfully, a gnawing feeling that justice has not been served." LOL. Where does he think the Occupy Wall Street came from? It is time for Judge Roy Bean justice if Holder and his fellow travelers do not want justice.

Roomates - Donna The Prima Donna - UNRELEASED

Super nice cover!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Inbox (670) - Yahoo! Mail

Inbox (670) - Yahoo! Mail


Hello Komen charity! What are you doing except to make it harder for women to get breast cancer screenings. Why should women support your charity? This is a straight capitulation to conservatives who want to ban women's healthcare.

Revel, Atlantic City's Newest Casino, To Impose Term Limits For Employees

Revel, Atlantic City's Newest Casino, To Impose Term Limits For Employees

It is time for a strong union movement in America. Corporations have too much power to keep people in economic slavery.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012