Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cold Comfort

Cold comfort

Cold comfort to those who no longer breathe

lying in some rigid position until flesh becomes dust

with stilled heart that will no longer hold the soul

the roaring engines of hellfire missiles

trailing plumes of black exhaust

in mini dawns of blasted light and supersonic fragmentation warheads

to slice the meat from the bones of the living

In an eternity to lie under the marble nondenominational marker

in the blanket of silence

in this sightless world do our brothers and sisters now inhabit

the whining transmission as a sixty ton ship of the desert dead stops

encased in flames from the penetrator shaped weapon

powered by 500 lbs of US manufactured propellent

as 60 year old designed Kalashnikovas' make sure that one one gets out alive

No one returns to their loved ones

in stately rows upon rolling hills in the bright and shining city

their lives prematurely extinguished when they heeded a call to duty and not to life

in the stinking Port-O-Lets that bakes their shit to bricks

never to be certain of the random falling whine of 60mm mortar rounds

wearing their dragon skin armor whenever they walk in the open

never sure of the sniper or radio controlled explosive to take their life or limb

In the house of white under a cloudless pallid depthless azure sky

a man sitting, reading nothing, seeing nothing but ranting in his mind

who has the power to yoke our lives to his reality of good versus evil

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Busing to DC for Sept 15

For those of you, who live in Colorado, are interested in going to DC to stop this illegal war and occupation of another nation but do not have a car or can't afford a plane ticket:


Denver, CO
CONTACT: John Kaluza at denverbus@answercoalition.org or 303-444-5711
TRANSPORTATION DETAILS: Contact for more information.

Boulder, CO
CONTACT: Ryan Hartman at boulderbus@answercoalition.org
TRANSPORTATION DETAILS: Organizing a van from Boulder, CO to Washington, DC. Contact for more information.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Abu Gonzalez resigns and Bush is Queeg

I am taken aback that Abu Gonzalez resigns as AG. Josh Marshall and others have pointed out that Gonzalez is the keystone that was preventing Congressional investigations from proceeding into numerous criminal actions the executive branch has committed.

This jumping from the sinking Bush administration by high administration officials however does not mean that those officials will escape from their criminal actions or intentions.

I believe and will advocate to my Congressional representatives that acts by those officials should be investigated by, at a minimum, a special prosecutor and grand jury. People like Abu Gonzalez and Karl Rove are responsible for their actions and those actions by their subordinates. Crimes committed cannot be crimes ignored.

Now, Mr. Bush is akin to Captain Queeg. A man who is rapidly losing his grasp on reality and sanity. The bunker mentality that pervades the White House staff is evident when their dialogue includes such kindergarten terms as "defeatocrats".

A recent book "Bush on the Couch" by Dr. Justin Frank utilizes applied psychoanalysis to understand the underlying psychological forces that makeup George W. Bush. What I find interesting is that such an approach was used by the O.S.S. during World War Two on Adolf Hitler by Walter Langer.

As the pressure builds on Mr. Bush there is the final question: Will Mr. Bush attack Iran as a way to salvage his presidency? This is like Adolf Hitler's gamble on Unternehmen: Wacht am Rhein. "Hitler believed that he could split the Allies and make the Americans and British sue for a separate peace, independent of the Soviet Union." Can an attack on Iran solve Mr. Bush's political dilemina?

One clue that it would not be so was uttered by former U.S. Secretary of State (under President Bush Sr., no less!) Lawrence Engleburger told the BBC:

"If George Bush [Jnr] decided he was going to turn the troops loose on Syria and Iran after that he would last in office for about 15 minutes. In fact if President Bush were to try that now even I would think that he ought to be impeached. You can't get away with that sort of thing in this democracy."

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Give no money to John or Ken Salazar

Why do these two men, who are elected representatives of the people, vote for a man has delusions of being an elected King?

Mr. Bush and his minions advocate and implement policies that are clearly against the Constitution and Bill of Rights of this nation.

Both Salazars have voted to give a free hand to Mr. Bush's illegal surveillance program of Americans. This bill that was passed gives Mr. Bush a free "Get Out of Jail" card for his program to spy on Americans for political purposes.

The evidence that, for example, the color coded terror alert system was used for partisan political gain is vouched for by Tom Ridge. The use of Homeland Security for partisan political gain was never made more clear than by former Speaker of the House Tom DeLay in his fight to redistrict Texas Congressional Districts that was clearly against the Constitution.

This is why the currently passed bill by both the House and Senate should be killed in House and Senate conference.

The Salazar brothers do not understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

It is time for Democratic Party members to no longer give to money to John or Ken Salazar until they understand, through legislative action of repealing this bill, that the Constitution is not "just a goddamn piece of paper" as the thug against the Constitution so aptly puts it.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Nelson: HaHa! On the Blood King and Blood Queen (Smirky and Unka Dick).

Saturday, July 7, 2007

A new poem

A guessed at history of the world

Nothing avails over time

Over the long strands of our common heritage

Tracing backwards to the sludge upon the rain soaked rocks

Under the mad scientist lightening

As the first eurykarotic cells begin their unheralded lives

Beginning from some kind of brackish tidewater pool

Steaming from the raw, blistering heat from the yowling entrails of earth

A struggle to eat and procreate

Blind to time or higher purpose

Those microscopic cells took those first steps called life

Thousands of feet of death compressed into splintered rock

For a few thousand revolutions around the Milky Way

Reaching into the bluing sky

Thick walled cells under the unity of the gene

The kingdom of the plant reigned supreme on this earth

A stray cosmic ray

Or a careening, ghost like, neutrino

Obeying the Feynman diagrams- summing over probabilities

To turn one arm of a carbon chain

Affecting the vital split into a new kingdom called animal

Along this tapestry of the four forces that binds all

This lonely planet was bombarded by the fireworks of a supernova

Mutations created the Precambrian life mosaic

Until the earth convulsed

Mudding over the first blind blossom of life

Sooner than the dance of the moon

Captured by earth’s gravitational field

Would bulge the equator and redefine the quantum equilibrium

Life anew would retake the land

Based on ever more complex equations for conquest

The ever folding and unbending universe

Unknown to the last great reign of terrible lizards

The spike of life

The immutable equation of eating then procreating

Before the hammer from beyond rewrites this world

A manifest destiny

That the thing we call life is nothing but ephemera to the clockwork universe

Bound to our own hubris

Leavened with the delusions of being descended

From some god that stands outside of our material reality

Walking along a stained by war shoreline

Populated by the rusting hulks of steel hulled vessels of forgotten battles

The romanticism of death pervades those drowned skeletons

While the schools of fish now inhabit those blasted bulkheads

Men schooled in the art of war have their just, cold graves

What will come after the footsteps of mankind

Certainly not another brain biased monstrosity

But an older model of exoskeleton, miniaturized swarm behavior encoded

Composed sentient creature who has outlived

The reign of the terrible lizards and soon to outlive

Our reign upon the uncaring earth

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bush the Drunk

Rumors have circulated "inside the Beltway" that Bush has been secretly drinking. He hides his drinking because it is a "failure" to have "fallen off the wagon". To this nation's sorrow, Bush was a "dry drunk" who had vast psychology pathologies that makes him unfit for the office he now holds.

John Avarosis of AmericaBlog.com now has come forth with explicit photographic evidence that Bush has taken to drink alcohol in Germany.

Shouldn't the mass media reporters be asking the presidential press secretary, Tony Snow, about the why Bush is drinking?

As John points out:

"Bush is an alcoholic. We have the right to know if he's fallen off the wagon, as this would be incredibly serious in any job, let alone the leader of the free world, and the commander in chief during war time. It is irrelevant whether you love Bush or hate him, whether you think this is a private matter or not. If Bush were running a major corporation and were an alcoholic who had fallen off the wagon, he'd likely be removed from his job by the board. If he were a general, he'd be fired."

Does this mean The Commander Guy, who is "off the wagon", should be fired?