Monday, August 27, 2007

Abu Gonzalez resigns and Bush is Queeg

I am taken aback that Abu Gonzalez resigns as AG. Josh Marshall and others have pointed out that Gonzalez is the keystone that was preventing Congressional investigations from proceeding into numerous criminal actions the executive branch has committed.

This jumping from the sinking Bush administration by high administration officials however does not mean that those officials will escape from their criminal actions or intentions.

I believe and will advocate to my Congressional representatives that acts by those officials should be investigated by, at a minimum, a special prosecutor and grand jury. People like Abu Gonzalez and Karl Rove are responsible for their actions and those actions by their subordinates. Crimes committed cannot be crimes ignored.

Now, Mr. Bush is akin to Captain Queeg. A man who is rapidly losing his grasp on reality and sanity. The bunker mentality that pervades the White House staff is evident when their dialogue includes such kindergarten terms as "defeatocrats".

A recent book "Bush on the Couch" by Dr. Justin Frank utilizes applied psychoanalysis to understand the underlying psychological forces that makeup George W. Bush. What I find interesting is that such an approach was used by the O.S.S. during World War Two on Adolf Hitler by Walter Langer.

As the pressure builds on Mr. Bush there is the final question: Will Mr. Bush attack Iran as a way to salvage his presidency? This is like Adolf Hitler's gamble on Unternehmen: Wacht am Rhein. "Hitler believed that he could split the Allies and make the Americans and British sue for a separate peace, independent of the Soviet Union." Can an attack on Iran solve Mr. Bush's political dilemina?

One clue that it would not be so was uttered by former U.S. Secretary of State (under President Bush Sr., no less!) Lawrence Engleburger told the BBC:

"If George Bush [Jnr] decided he was going to turn the troops loose on Syria and Iran after that he would last in office for about 15 minutes. In fact if President Bush were to try that now even I would think that he ought to be impeached. You can't get away with that sort of thing in this democracy."

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