Friday, September 8, 2017

Oregon Governor: Feds Refused Additional Aid For Wildfires | Crooks and Liars

Republicans are all about endangering lives by playing political games by withholding federal dollars for emergencies.  This is what the Tea Party Caucus in the House would have done with the first money for Hurricane Harvey states of Texas and Louisiana if they had their way- tie emergency money to spending cuts for Medicaid, science funding for climate change, or Children's Health Insurance Program or any other social program that would actually help the people of our nation.

Oregon Governor: Feds Refused Additional Aid For Wildfires | Crooks and Liars

Rep. Joe Barton was one of four House Republicans from Texas to vote against aid for their own state.

Conservatives Seethe As House Passes Debt Deal Trump Struck With Dems – Talking Points Memo

On CNN, survivor advocate calls Secretary DeVos' announcement on campus sexual assault "dangerous"

On CNN, survivor advocate calls Secretary DeVos' announcement on campus sexual assault "dangerous"

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Obama Calls Trump’s Decision To End DACA ‘Cruel’ And ‘Wrong’ – Talking Points Memo

Obama Calls Trump’s Decision To End DACA ‘Cruel’ And ‘Wrong’ – Talking Points Memo

Klaus Schulze - Kontinuum

Why Are the Crucial Questions About Hurricane Harvey Not Being Asked? | Alternet

The corporate media is complicit in hiding and obscuring knowledge the public needs to know in order to understand why this is happening and how we, as the human race, must come to grips with public policies that will help us cope with this momentous change for the living planet we inhabit.

Why Are the Crucial Questions About Hurricane Harvey Not Being Asked? | Alternet