Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coburn: Medicare and Social Security 'Are Things We Don't Absolutely Need' | Video Cafe

Republicans want to put grandma back into a life of poverty.  The whole purpose of Social Security is to have seniors live in dignity.

Remember Social Security has a separate revenue stream that is not a part of the federal budget and that the maximum amount is 2200 USD/month.

Remember that Medicare is for seniors to live healthy lives not in pain and disease.  It is Republicans that created Medicare Part D that does not allow Medicare to use the economics of scale to bring down prescription drug costs down.

Coburn: Medicare and Social Security 'Are Things We Don't Absolutely Need' | Video Cafe

Tell me why President Obama wants to compromise the linchpins of the Democratic Party's promise to Americans?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Health Insurance Detective Story - NYTimes.com

This is the dilemma of having bureaucracy in for profit health insurance running the show.  I am reminded of Bob aka Mr. Incredible working as a bureaucrat at an insurance company, from the film "The Incredibles", under a tyrannical boss.  Another film that comes to mind is the Terry Gilliam classic "Brazil".

A Health Insurance Detective Story - NYTimes.com

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crooks and Liars- Fix the Debt is just another name for ripping off the 99%

As Duncan Black has stated many times it is the rich wanting to steal the monies in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Crooks and Liars

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hostess Employee Tells All About CEO Gutting Pensions, Pay Scales | Crooks and Liars

Hostess Employee Tells All About CEO Gutting Pensions, Pay Scales | Crooks and Liars

Economic freedom or economic slavery?  I know what corporations want for their workers.  It is time for workers unite!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mitt Romney Massachusetts Budget Targeted Programs For Poor, Disabled

Mitt will do this to the nation at large as to what he tried to do under his governorship- cut for the poor and give to the rich.  There was no bipartisanship when he tried ram through his ideological based budget cuts.  The Democratic led legislature over rode over 100 vetoes by Romney that directly affected the poorest, the youth, veterans, and those that need mental health care.

Mitt Romney Massachusetts Budget Targeted Programs For Poor, Disabled

Make sure that your local media is made aware of the fact that there was no "bipartisanship" to cut the services that those in need most under Governor Romney's term.

Sunday, October 7, 2012