Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Don't Sit This One Out - What's Your Vision for Occupy Wall Street? | Truthout

Don't Sit This One Out - What's Your Vision for Occupy Wall Street? | Truthout

1). Take journalism out of corporate profit making.

2). It is time for Congress to do it's job as political leaders and to finally earn their $179,000 salaries. Why should we have to give them solutions? If we have to do that for them then Congress is utterly useless.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Moral Power of an Image: UC Davis Reactions - The Atlantic

The Moral Power of an Image: UC Davis Reactions - The Atlantic

The immoral use of power to suppress protest against injustice. This time it is the fact that banking CEOs robbed from their own banks and the people of America. They still walk the streets free while we suffer from their depravity.

The tent cities of the OWS movement are representative of the tent cities in America that are out of sight and mind.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Seniors Arrested During Occupy Chicago Protest

The people united not the people divided.