Thursday, September 28, 2017

Cohn ‘Can’t Guarantee Anything’ On Potential Middle Class Tax Hike – Talking Points Memo

Cutting taxes is what Kansas did and there was huge budget deficits.  Companies did not come flocking to Kansas.  Public schools and higher education funding were cut back.  The Kansas courts ruled that the state was in violation of their own funding mandates for public education.  What company would want to move there if their employees families could not have good educational opportunities for their kids?  The regressive tax that placed a unfair burden on the working and poor of Kansas while letting businesses and high income people keep more of their profits and salaries.

Low taxes "to starve the beast" of government means that government cannot function which leads to the goal of "drowning government in the bath tub" philosophy of Grover Norquist.  This "philosophy" goes hand in hand with the Steve Bannon idea of "deconstructing the administrative state".  The synergy of both actions coupled with the fixation that private/free market philosophy can take the place of what government should do is a recipe for disaster in the 21st century.

Now the Trump tax cuts are for Big Business and the wealthiest 0.1% while the poor gets a tax increase of 20 percent.  Now Trump's point man on this grifter idea cannot tell the middle class that a tax hike is not in the works.  So Trump and his cronies get a huge tax cut for themselves that will hurt the American economy due to the fact that Kansas tried the same tax cut formula that led to huge deficits.  Republicans in Congress now could care less that trillions of dollars will have to be borrowed in order to keep American government running. 

Where will the money go?  Into the "lifestyles of the rich and famous" of gold plated toilet seats, giant destroyer sized yachts, private fifty million dollar jets, huge mansions, million dollar super cars, and ten thousand dollar suits and dresses, hundred thousand dollar necklaces and air conditioned dog houses.

While the problems that confront America will not be adequately addressed because Republican bleat "we don't have the funds" or even more selfishly speak of "tax cuts" are more important than all else because their Big Funders will turn off the money spigot for their political campaigns.  Pass our "tax cut" or you won't have our money to campaign is the real, behind the scenes drama being played out.

So in the political details there is the high possibility that the middle class will have a tax hike to help pay for a Big Business and the 0.1% tax cut.

Cohn ‘Can’t Guarantee Anything’ On Potential Middle Class Tax Hike – Talking Points Memo

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