Monday, April 17, 2017

Trump invites industry to pick and choose which environmental, health, safety rules to drop

How many more people must be injured or needlessly die in the name of corporate profit?  Trump only cares about profit to the exclusion of all that makes America America!  Privatize our National Park system- sure!  Make sure that government is not paid fairly for Big Oil and Coal to extract oil and gas on public lands for merely pennies per barrel and per ton, sure.  The long haul drivers should work as long as they want because their employers only pay a pittance.  Why not privatize our roads so that we have to pay tolls every single time we use a road.

This is the insanity of Trumplanders who think the nation is a better place if corporations and the 1% can have maximum profit to the exclusion of all else.

Trump invites industry to pick and choose which environmental, health, safety rules to drop

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