Friday, March 24, 2017

GOP Rep. Suggests Obama's To Blame If House Repeal Bill Ultimately Fails

Republican hubris is that it is jammed through with no input from concerned stakeholders- American Medical Association, American Hospital Association,  Why?  They want to wreck America.  It is obvious from their commitment to destroy Obamacare through their so called American Healthcare Act which causes Medicaid to fail.  A effect of having a sicker population means that as the population ages then the costs associated with Medicare will increase which will cause it to fail sooner.  The horror is that in the CBO projection of AHCA's effect is to "save" a few billion dollars for Social Security is due to the fact that more Americans will die needlessly due to lack of medical care because of unaffordable cost.

A immoral bill.

GOP Rep. Suggests Obama's To Blame If House Repeal Bill Ultimately Fails

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