Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dem caucus

The HD6A, precinct 608, had over 100+ people in attendance last night. This was an incredible three hundred percent better then the best attended caucus in 2004 which had 32 people.

The people of this nation are wanting a different America.

The people are for a better America.

We are sick of living in the fears created by Mr. Bush and his ilk because those people represent anti-life.

Who wants to live in fear for the rest of their lives?

We are stronger then to merely survive in this world.

We who are the inheritors of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution should demand that we can live life in the sunshine of freedom.

We are not to afraid of some motley band of common criminals because those ragtag bands are akin to the crazies that stand on street corners shouting out their paranoias.

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