Friday, January 12, 2018

Democrats take off the gloves on the Russia probe en masse—it's war

Constitution or political power?  One nation, Russia, has interfered with our elections, and many other democratic voting process in other countries, and continues to do so.  But only Republicans in Congress and in the White House continue to do nothing to stop Russian digital warfare to continue to undermine the democracies around the world.

There can be only one word- "collusion" by doing nothing to stop Russia.

Democrats take off the gloves on the Russia probe en masse—it's war

Exclusive: Here Is A Draft Of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants A Lot More Nukes. | HuffPost

The madness of "Dr. Strangelove" writ for reality.  How many nuclear weapons?  A million warheads?  Re-igniting the global nuclear arms race is a real nightmare possibility.

Exclusive: Here Is A Draft Of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants A Lot More Nukes. | HuffPost