Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Trump Blows Past Russia Sanctions Deadline | Crooks and Liars

Trump doesn't carry out the law against Russia then he is a puppet of Putin.  A clear and present danger to the Constitution by the actions of Russia and Trump's failure to do his oath meets the bar of impeachment.

Trump Blows Past Russia Sanctions Deadline | Crooks and Liars

Monday, October 23, 2017

Can A Pro-Choice, Pro-Immigrant, Climate Change Believer Beat Roy Moore In Alabama? – Talking Points Memo

"...Jon Ossoff finished his campaign in a hotly contested House race in Georgia, carefully emphasizing centrism and cutting government waste...."   This is how NOT to motivate the progressive base, especially in a low voter turn out off presidential year race. 

BTW- Why not have a aspect of campaigning advertising which pokes fun at the opponent which emphasizes social issues.  I imagine a campaign spot on the fact that the conservative candidate is the Gladys Kravitz, Bewitched TV show, who is perpetually peeking into the neighbor's house in order to be outraged at the neighbor's private behavior.

Another historical example is the old radio series Superman.  In a story by Stetson Kennedy called "Clan of the Fiery Cross" Superman takes on a organization loosely based on the KKK.  It satirized the KKK's rituals before a national audience.

Finally, humor could be a much more effective means to tell voters that conservatives are humorless ideologues that cannot govern because their ideas are based on being selfish (i.e. "greed is good").  The scenes with Governor Lepetomane are priceless in showing the corruption of government for greed.

Can A Pro-Choice, Pro-Immigrant, Climate Change Believer Beat Roy Moore In Alabama? – Talking Points Memo

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Trump: Fake News Is Even Worse Than Recent Poll Shows! – Talking Points Memo

It is time the corporate media tells the public that Trump and his followers are undermining the 1st Amendment.  The fundamental right of having a free press without having Republican government "minders" or "having a government license" to be a journalist.

Trump: Fake News Is Even Worse Than Recent Poll Shows! – Talking Points Memo

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pruitt Threatens to 'Purge' Scientists Who Refuse to Be Fossil Fuel Puppets | Common Dreams

The fact is that Pruitt wants to hurt Americans by having us eat, breath, and drink polluted food, air and liquids because he believes that money reigns over all other concerns.

It is time that he should face, at least, lawsuit that would remove him from office due to dereliction of his oath to office.

Pruitt Threatens to 'Purge' Scientists Who Refuse to Be Fossil Fuel Puppets | Common Dreams