Friday, June 23, 2017

Years From Now, This Will Be The Right-Wing Narrative Of The Trumpcare Disaster | Crooks and Liars

Time to stop this immediately!  Why not have bill boards, media buys, hand bills at all events being tabled by progressive groups to get the message out:  Republicans have sabotaged ACA and now they wanted Dems to support a bill that removes a Democratic law that aims to help people because the Republican bill takes away healthcare for people?  The bottom line should be is:  Republicans are taking away your healthcare and the Democratic party stands for keeping your healthcare.

Years From Now, This Will Be The Right-Wing Narrative Of The Trumpcare Disaster | Crooks and Liars

House Pushes for Creation of Military 'Space Corps'

House Pushes for Creation of Military 'Space Corps'

Thursday, June 22, 2017

In Yemen's secret prisons, UAE tortures and US interrogates

Trump said he would be complicit in torturing prisoners in the so-called "war on terror".  This report is clear evidence that he is carrying out his desire to torture human beings.  Must we, as a nation, continue to use torture?  Trump and his cohort should be investigated for this barbaric practice.  What is most disturbing is the fact that in a recent US Supreme Court ruling, which could be expanded to include "harsh" interrogation methods (i.e., torture), is that formed Bush administration officials cannot be held accountable for violating the rights of people swept up in raids immediately after 9/11 based on ethnicity and/or religious belief.

In Yemen's secret prisons, UAE tortures and US interrogates